Credit Card Machines for Payment Processing
You’re a local business and you need a local bank to take care of your Merchant Services needs. We provide local customer service along with access to 24/7 terminal tech support.
You’re a local business and you need a local bank to take care of your Merchant Services needs. We provide local customer service along with access to 24/7 terminal tech support.
It’s no secret that we have become a plastic society. We buy groceries, gas for our cars, flowers for our loved ones, all using a credit card. As such, accepting credit cards from customers is no longer an option. Many customers no longer carry cash or a checkbook for that matter.
Before you sign a long term contract or let your contract renew, contact us to see what we can do for you. It’s important to read the fine print when signing up with a payment card processing provider. Don’t be fooled by the promise of a low rate when they make it up with hidden fees (i.e. annual fees, statement fees, PCI fees, etc.). Most importantly, only a local provider can provide you with the service that you deserve and need.

Loan Decision Made Local.